That s also what I call Personal Success knowing living and making meaning in Life. Remembering and doing these things are a habit of successful leaders. Another habit of successful leaders is following and learning from leaders that represent what they want to become and are where they want to be.
This is means that a great leader must be a follower of greatness. While this is a skill that can be taught it requires having the humility to realize that one doesn t know it all having the courage to face the unknown having the ambition to become more William James once said that the great use of life is to spend it for Brazil Phone Number List something that will outlast it . leaders take to heart but that s also what inspires people to follow them. That s why great leaders aren t self serving leaders with a never ending need to serve their EGO. Jim Collins wrote about this on Good to Great describing that Level Leaders channel their ego needs away from themselves and into the larger goal of building a great company. It s not that Level leaders have no ego or self interest. Indeed they are incredibly ambitious but their ambition is first and foremost for the institution and its greatness not for themselves . Can this be taught Lectures about this can teach leaders about the EGO and how to control it.
However if they don t have it in their Heart they will crumble in moments of stress or great adversity. Success is reaching the goals. One can obtain a goal while not being a good leader but just a good worker. To the assumptions Financial success is not the only guide nor most important for grading leadership Not sure if leadership can learned quickly by all and codified. Can it be possible based on the diversity of people in general that would be exposed to it.